>> Provide an inclusive educational offer that ensures equality of access for all.
>> Support the development of exemplary young leaders who uphold the values of democracy, the rule of law, freedom of speech, freedom of thought, and freedom of association.
>> Encourage the highest expectations of our students. We will expect your child to attend school on time every day, ready to learn and keen to achieve.
>> Deliver a high powered, knowledge-based academic curriculum and set challenging academic targets that are appropriate to your child’s ability and aspirations.
>> Ensure carefully focussed teaching and that lessons are well-planned and structured, and cater to your daughter’s specific needs and ability.
>> Ensure that work is assessed regularly and positive feedback is given to your child on their progress and how they can improve further.
>> Organize and deliver intervention and revision sessions for your child where we feel that this is needed to help them reach the best possible grades.
>> Offer a rich and diverse leadership program that grows character and inspires charitable and social action.
>> Arrange regular opportunities to meet with teachers to discuss your child’s progress.
>> Support students to use the internet safely and sensibly so that it does not bring harm to her or others.
>> Support students to overcome any problems that hinder their learning and personal development.
>> Make arrangements to meet with parents within a reasonable time if you wish to come into school to discuss any matter.
Students will:
- Respect the mission and ethos of the school.
- Promote the values of democracy, the rule of law, freedom of speech, freedom of thought and freedom of association and reject all forms of discrimination.
- Attend every day, and arrive on time.
- Dress correctly for school, including on all visits, and bring the necessary equipment each day.
- Complete home study on time, to the best of Our ability.
- Care for the school environment and the environment in a wider sense.
- Ensure that I use the internet safely and sensibly so that it does not bring harm to me or others.
- Show my parent/carer my planner each week and remember to take home all messages, letters and Plashet Post given by my Form Tutor and/or other members of staff.
Parents/Guardians will:
- Respect the mission and ethos of the school and support the school.
- Promote the values of democracy, the rule of law, freedom of speech, freedom of thought and freedom of association and reject all forms of discrimination.
- Support the School’s efforts by encouraging the best possible standards in my ward studies.
- Ensure my ward attends school every day, and arrives on time.
- Arrange all medical and dentist appointments after school or during school holiday time to ensure my ward does not miss any learning time.
- Organise family holidays outside of term-time so that no learning in school is missed.
- Support the school’s Home Study Policy by providing a quiet working area at home for my ward to study.
- Ensure my ward uses the internet safely and sensibly so that it does not bring harm to her or others.
- Attend all meetings as needed to discuss my daughter’s progress and welfare.
- Discuss my ward learning/progress with her regularly and sign her planner each week.
- Contact the School is I have any concerns about my ward progress or welfare.
- Agree that my daughter will take part in all areas of the curriculum.
- Ensure the School has my/our up-to-date contact details as well as those of two other family members to enable them to make contact with me/us in an emergency.